Passbook gone digital

Invest starting at 1€

Daily deposits & withdrawals

Let the whole family contribute

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Let your child save money

When you invest, your fees must be lower than your gain. This is why all your Savings Trees are free of charge. That means there are no fixed costs for deposits & withdrawals, as well as the portfolio management and our app.

For the investments into our sustainable fonds, 0,59% per year will be directly subtracted from your value development.

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Active risk management

Actively managed by fonds experts

Free custody account

With a German IBAN at the DAB BNP

All actions and transactions

Pay-in and pay-out anytime free of charge

No hidden costs

Just what you know and love about Bling

Make your child's dreams come true

Drivers license with just 16€ per month

Julia's mom has invested 16€ a month since her 8th birthday. On her 18th birthday, the Savings Tree has a balance of 2100€ with a return of 251€.

Driver's license for 16€ / month

Saved up for 10 years,
afforded a year abroad

Started investing on the 6th birthday.
Exchange year paid on the 16th birthday.

Frederike's exchange year in the USA cost 10,000€. With an investment of 80€ per month since her 6th birthday, her parents were able to afford it.

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Sicherheits- Strategie 60%
Ertrags- Strategie 40%
Try out different risk levels
Thanks for the numbers, they could be going to your emails. But they're going to mine... Thanks ;D
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You choose the risk level

For every Savings Tree, you can choose the risk level on a scale from 1 to 10. Based on this decision, your investment will be adapted to one of two fonds (Evergreen PDI Yin & Evergreen PDI Yang). Evergreen PDI Yin is more safety-oriented and therefore gets less fluctuation. For example because it invests into less stocks.
Evergreen PDI Yang has a higher potential of gain which is why it can also fluctuate more, though.

Mehr über die Strategie
Widely spread investments
Minimus investment
Sustainable fonds following article 8
Active rebalancing
Continues risk management
Tax automation
Fond fees per year
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0€ / month
Other investment options
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Starting at 500€
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Up to 3,50%
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0,33% - 1,20%

Lerne mehr über die Sparbäume

▶ Sparbaum für mein Kind: Ab wann?
▶ Was sind Anleihen?
▶ Was sind Aktienanteile?
▶ Nachhaltigkeit beim Sparbaum
▶ Sparbaum: So wird das Geld investiert
▶ Sparbaum vs. ETFs
▶ Alles über die Risikostufe vom Sparbaum
▶ Wie funktioniert die Kassequote?


When can I start planting Savings Trees?

Start now! Download the Bling App to open a deposit and plant your first Tree.

How long does it take to open a deposit?

The registration process is uncomplicated through the Bling App and you do not need to visit the ank. Your depot will then be activated within 24h.

Do I have to live and pay taxes in Germany?

Yes, to get started, only people who live and pay taxes in Germany may plant Savings Trees.

How do Savings Trees work?

The Savings Trees are Bling's innovative visualization of investments which make investing family-friendly. The more the credit in your deposit increases, the bigger your virtual Tree grows.

By the way, you can customize the color and landscaping of your Savings Trees, as well as the kind of Trees in your app. Those customizations do not influence your investments. You can make visual changes at anytime.

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