Let your Trees grow

Security and returns without you having to worry about it.

How your money is invested

The money you invest into Savings Trees is distributed across shares and bonds. The distribution is adjusted to the current market environment to prevent fluctuations. This is called active risk management.


Share packages in which various securities are bundled together.
This minimizes risk.


A kind of loan for countries. In return, they pay interest, which makes your Trees grow.


If the markets perform negatively, the money is not invested and instead held in a cash box.

Fewer fluctuations thanks to daily optimization

The shares, bonds and cash ratio are adjusted daily in line with market developments. An important difference to a classic ETF.

Reserve for difficult times

Safety zone

Safety- Strategy 60%
Profit- Strategy 40%
Try different risk levels.
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Choose your risk level

For each Savings Tree, you can define your desired risk level on a scale of 1 to 10. Based on your decision, your investment will be adjusted between two funds (Evergreen PDI Yin & Evergreen PDI Yang). The Evergreen PDI Yin fund is more security-oriented and therefore has fewer fluctuations because it invests less in equities, for example. The Evergreen PDI Yang fund has greater earnings potential, but may also have higher fluctuations as a result.

What your money is not invested in

What is the point of investing in the future if there is none? That is why money in your Savings Trees is not invested into industries such as weapons, coal and others that violate the UN Global Compact.

Investing with a clear conscience.

Curated, sustainable asset classes.

What your money is invested in

The assets are invested in filtered equities, bonds and impact investments that contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Over 13 billion EUR in professional experience

Iven Kurz and his team from Evergreen have many years of experience in asset management and manage the assets in your Savings Trees in a conservative, diversified and sustainable manner. Professional investors have already entrusted the fund managers with over 13 billion euros in their previous activities.

Safety first
Capital preservation comes before profit maximization – Which is why we have opted for conservative funds. For example, these do not contain any individual shares.
Weekly market update
Stay informed! Once a week, we will send you a current market commentary by e-mail, explaining the background to current value developments.
Sustainable Article 8 funds
Money in the Savings Trees is invested exclusively in sustainable funds that comply with the Article 8 guidelines. The MSCI ESG rating for the funds is AA (as at March 1, 2023).
Performance in real time
In the Bling App, you always have a historical and current overview of the development of your Savings Trees. Displayed as simple as can be.

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▶ Sparbaum für mein Kind: Ab wann?
▶ Was sind Anleihen?
▶ Was sind Aktienanteile?
▶ Nachhaltigkeit beim Sparbaum
▶ Sparbaum: So wird das Geld investiert
▶ Sparbaum vs. ETFs
▶ Alles über die Risikostufe vom Sparbaum
▶ Wie funktioniert die Kassequote?

You win some, you lose some?

Money that you pay into the saving trees is invested. Families do this in order to receive a return on their assets. However, the golden rule applies: There's no return without risk.

So, as it is an investment, the value in the Savings Trees can also decrease. In the long term, however, the money is invested in such a way that, depending on the risk level, a long-term return of 1 to 8 % can be forecast.

Only invest money that you don't need in the short term


How do the Savings Trees differ from an ETF?

ETFs are an important step towards cost optimization for capital investments. However, they still incur average fees of 0,25% per year. In the professional sector, significantly cheaper instruments, such as exchange-traded futures, have been used for decades. These are virtually free of charge and correspond to the performance of an ETF with the same investment universe. This is exactly what our partner Evergreen has been using in the institutional sector for over 17 years. Although monthly or weekly adjustments to the client portfolio are certainly possible with the help of ETFs, risk management often requires daily adjustments, especially in critical market phases. The instruments used in the Savings Trees have more than 1000 times the trading volume of ETFs.

How long should I invest money into my Savings Trees for?

There are many reasons why a medium to long-term investment can often make more sense. Time is one of the most important factors when investing. The longer an investment runs, the more likely it is that positive returns will be achieved, as short-term market fluctuations do not strongly influence long-term investments. And the compound interest effect is also stronger the longer the investment period is. Short-term investments are often based on speculation and also require a lot of time and effort on the part of the investor. With a longer investment period, you can invest passively without having to deal with the markets on an hourly basis.

Is there a minimum term?

No, there is no minimum term for your Savings Trees. This means that you can withdraw the money you have invested at any time and close your custody account. We do not charge any additional fees for this.

Why am I being asked risk questions when I register?

These questions are part of the mandatory risk assessment. This allows us to ensure that you are aware of the potential risk of an investment. We can also suggest a suitable risk level for you afterwards.

Who is Evergreen?

We have decided to work with the experienced asset manager Evergreen from Leipzig. Evergreen shares our values of sustainability, a security-oriented investment strategy and active risk management. Specifically, the money paid into saving trees is invested in the "Evergreen Yin" and "Evergreen Yang" funds according to your chosen risk level. As a regulated financial services institution in accordance with Section 15 of the German Securities Institutions Act (WpIG), Evergreen fulfills the requirements for acting as an asset manager. Evergreen is therefore subject to special control and monitoring mechanisms.

Where can I find the fund information?

Here you can download all fund information from our partner Evergreen.

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