When can I start planting the Savings Trees?

Start now! Download the Bling App to open your custody account and plant your first Savings Tree.

How long does it take to open a custody account?

Registration is straightforward in the Bling App and no visit to the counter is necessary. Your account will be activated within 24 hours on average.

Do I have to live and pay taxes in Germany?

Yes, to start with, only people who are resident and liable for tax in Germany can create Savings Trees.

How do Savings Trees work?

With the Savings Trees, Bling has developed an innovative display that makes investing family-friendly. The more the balance in your securities account increases, the more your virtual Trees grows.

By the way: You can customize your savings tree in the app. The color, type of tree or landscape do not change anything about your investment. You can change the design at any time.

Lerne mehr über die Sparbäume

▶ Sparbaum für mein Kind: Ab wann?
▶ Was sind Anleihen?
▶ Was sind Aktienanteile?
▶ Nachhaltigkeit beim Sparbaum
▶ Sparbaum: So wird das Geld investiert
▶ Sparbaum vs. ETFs
▶ Alles über die Risikostufe vom Sparbaum
▶ Wie funktioniert die Kassequote?

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