The pocket money paragraph - simply explained


We all want money-smart children who don't live beyond their means and become responsible adults who know where their financial limits are. But it is also clear that no one is born with this kind of awareness. Children first have to learn how to handle money, assess its value and get a feel for the relationship between price and performance.

Unlimited and limited legal capacity

People in Germany who are of legal age, i.e. 18 years of age, have full legal capacity. This means that from this period on, they can do business independently and to an unlimited extent. However, so that our children learn how to handle money before their 18th birthday, we have limited legal capacity, which begins with their 7th birthday. Strictly speaking, i.e. from a legal point of view, children under 7 years of age are therefore not allowed to shop unaccompanied by adults.

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The pocket money paragraph

Many people mistakenly think that Section 110 of the German Civil Code, the pocket money paragraph, would regulate the amount of pocket money available to German children. This is not the case, as there is no legal entitlement to pocket money. It is an absolutely voluntary service provided by parents.

On the contrary, he says Pocket money paragraph from the fact that children aged 7 and over may shop to a limited extent. However, anyone looking for exact figures in the German Civil Code will not find what they are looking for. The law is extremely vague.

Im original It says:

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“A contract concluded by the minor without the consent of the legal representative is considered effective from the outset if the minor performs the contractual performance using means provided to him for this purpose or at his own free disposal by the representative or with his consent by a third party. ”

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So if parents give their child money for a bicycle, the child can buy it, no matter how expensive.

Even pocket money, unless it is Budget money acts, is subject to free disposal.

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The pocket money paragraph and exceptions

So if a child now receives a lot of pocket money and saves for months or years, can they buy themselves a pony? Even though many children's eyes are glowing now, there is no pony in it. Because, of course, there are exceptions to the pocket money paragraph: Contracts and subscriptions are just as ineffective as installment purchases, larger sales, the purchase of expensive jewelry or toys, and electronic devices.

So you don't have to be afraid that your tots will sell the family car to afford a decadent gaming console. Apart from the fact that the adult entering into such a transaction would act more than unscrupulously, such a transaction would be illegal.

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The pocket money paragraph in everyday life

As is always the case with laws, it is all a matter of interpretation. What are bigger sales, what are expensive toys? Basically, every family must find their own way of providing financial education. Since managing money independently is an important step towards independence for children, the only thing that helps is to talk, explain and practice.

And for practice, there is the bling card. This allows your kids to shop online and offline, always within their budget, of course, and learn what it means to be money wise.

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