Financial literacy in Germany is poor. We believe that money management should be learned at an early age. That's why we founded Bling and help families become financially savvy.
Get started for freeBabett Mahnert ist Business- und Finanzcoach, Unternehmerin, Bankbetriebswirtin und Podcasterin. Sie hat Schulgold mitgegründet, eine Initiative für besseres Finanzwissen für Jugendliche und Lehrkräfte.
Christoph Krüger ist Schulleiter, Lehrer, Familienvater, Podcaster und YouTuber. An seiner Schule versucht er, Schüler:innen für Wirtschaft und Finanzen zu begeistern und diese Themen simpel und spannend zu vermitteln.
Anissa Brinkhoff ist Finanzjournalistin und gründete verschiedene Podcasts zu dem Thema Frauen und Finanzen, in denen sie über die Themen Geld, Finanzbildung und Altersvorsorge spricht. Sie hält Vorträge zu den Themen Geld und Finanzen und sensibilisiert vor allem Frauen für diese Inhalte.
Sven Schumann ist Experte für Wirtschafts- und Finanzbildung und befasst sich zudem mit den Rahmenbedingungen für Vermögensaufbau und Altersvorsorge am Kapitalmarkt. Darüber hinaus ist er stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Bündnis Ökonomische Bildung Deutschland.
How to make money
Understanding the value of money, economic issues and entrepreneurship
How to save money
Developing saving skills and the ability of setting a budget and sticking with it
How to spend sustainably
Reflecting on their payments and understanding sustainable spending
Bling is all about reflecting on and discussing how children deal with money together. The Bling pocket money card and app can form the basis for this.
Order for freeLearning how to manage money is an important asset in our society. The sooner we start, the better prepared our children will be for the challenges of their lives. After all, financial education is and remains a process that is best tackled together and should also be put on the agenda again and again in everyday life.
Bling will be the right partner for you on this journey, as we not only show effective ways to learn how to handle money, but also offer suitable functions for learning how to handle money in a very practical way.
Bling is the perfect solution for learning how to handle money responsibly and consciously. Regardless of whether it is just a matter of visually saving pocket money or reflecting the visible success of your own savings trees. Anyone who was able to learn how to handle money at an early age will always be able to answer the big questions of the financial market competently and effectively later on in important decisions in their lives. This competence is extremely important in our society, or even indispensable.
Let us therefore learn from each other and with each other how to use money responsibly.
At Bling, we believe that you should learn how to handle money at a young age. On the one hand, handling money will always be an essential characteristic in a person's life, and on the other hand, financial education in our society is unfortunately very poorly developed. That must change and we want to do that together with you. What does it include?
Being able to learn how to handle money means that you first become aware of the actual value of money and its function. What is' much 'or' little 'money? What is money actually worth and what does that perhaps also have to do with me?If you want
You should be able to answer all these questions for yourself in order to be able to handle your money responsibly.
We want the entire family to address the fundamental questions of the financial market and to work together to understand how to handle money well.
Bling is an important partner for you in this big task. Our app helps the entire family learn how to handle money responsibly and to be able to experience this together with the children.
And this is how it works:
As a parent, you only want the best for your children. A good school education, a happy life and the opportunity to realize your dreams independently. The latter in particular is often accompanied by major financial hurdles. So why not the topic financial education Put it on the educational agenda? We at Bling have made this our mission and, with our offers, have created a way to learn how to handle money super easily. And not just alone, but as a whole family. We will show you and your children why financial education is an essential asset for life and offer you practical instructions that will shape and improve the way you manage money in the long term.
After all, financial education is also always social education that places a person in relation to a larger mass. That is why we want to achieve more than being able to teach our children how to calculate money.
Our claim may sound a bit ambitious at first, but it is important to communicate it in our society for now. To venture into financial education and work together to get closer to the question of how to learn how to manage money. After all, it can always happen that you have to make do with little money and the core competence of being able to properly budget is required.
To learn this, we have already addressed the perception and classification of money and a basic understanding of money. Another aspect is the question of how to save money correctly. What do I actually do with my money? How do I save effectively and what do interest, returns, etc. mean? Here, too, it is often only young adults who hear about individual terms and have already given away valuable years in which they would have benefited from the advantages of financial education.
How often do you hear about young people who see their big dreams shattered because their parents never offered them the opportunity to learn how to manage money. But that doesn't have to be the case. It is in your hands what you would like to give your child along the way through life. Financial education is one of the most important things at this point. How can you responsible use of money Learn and is it enough to park your money in the right accounts and savings accounts to be a bit closer to your wishes at the end?
Saving is one of the most important things, but learning how to handle money always means understanding the nature of money. If you want to learn how to handle money, you have to move money and invest it in future prospects in order to actually make the value of money valuable.
In order to effectively increase the value of your own money, it is not enough to rest on small interest payments. Learning how to handle money means facing the challenges of the market and, if possible, spreading your money into future-oriented and sustainable investments over a long period of time.
The resulting returns are generally significantly higher than the small interest income that our banks promise us. So if you want to learn how to handle money correctly, you must not only be able to handle the existing budget, but also generate effective additional profit from it.
Young adults learn how to handle money particularly well when they have been able to experience successful and transparently understandable concepts for success themselves. This ultimately means that we, as parents, are the main factor for effective and sustainable financial education.
Taschengeld, Investieren, Handytarife und Sparen – die Bling App macht deinen Familienalltag kinderleicht.