Learn to handle money wisely

Why more and more parents start using pocket money cards like the Bling Card

More and more parents in Germany are switching to pocket money cards for their children. The reasons why parents get their child a Bling Card are diverse. One of the most important ones is to teach their child how to handle money wisely.

by Florin
20. März 2023
“Bling makes families money savvy! And it's convenient, too."
André Schürrle
Dad and Soccer World Champion

Learn to handle money wisely

In times of cash-free payments, online shopping, subscription traps and micro transactions, it has never been more complicated for children to lear how to handle money wisely. Thanks to pocket money cards like the Bling Card, they can approach this topic step by step. Since Bling comes with an app especially for children, they also keep an eye on their spendings and incomings and actively safe money. Parents are kept in the know through their own app and have the option to set rules and limits.

Children learn how to handle money wisely step by step with pocket money cards.

Safer than mom's bank card

Your child wants to buy something online? Back in the day you just gave them your card. One wrong click and you bank account was empty. Pocket money cards offer a lot of security features, with which these scenarios do not occur. As a parent you can deactivate online payments if you wish, as well as set payment limits or restrict contactless payment. And obviously debt is not possible.

Order within minutes

Traditional bank accounts for children require a ton of documents and you need to make bank visits. In a stressful family life this can become difficult. Pocket money cards on the other hand can be ordered within minutes and the process in done easily via app.

14 day free trial for the Bling Card

Get the Bling App now to test out the Bling Card

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Never forget pocket money again

The best thing about it: You can schedule pocket money for the future so that it automatically gets send to the your child's card. And if you want, a part of it lands in one of your child's digital Piggy Banks, which they cannot access without your confirmation. That way, your child learns how to safe money from an early age.